Friday, October 16, 2009

In ten years…

In ten years I should have finished high school with a high school graduation with a 3.5 grade point average. I should be out of college with a bachelors degree after 4 years. In college I would take mostly journalism classes because I want to be a movie critic or at least trying to be or on the path of being one. If I'm not doing good in college or I change my mind of being a movie critic I would probably join the air force because I'm very interested in that.
I want to have a girl friend and be in a serous relation ship and maby thinking about marriage but not married yet. I don’t think I would have kids in ten years. In my spare time I would want to be in a basket ball league because I have always played basket ball and enjoyed it very much. I'm getting my first car when I’m 16 and I’m a Junior. I should save my money saved to by a second car. The should be way nicer than my first car because If I save my money for 8 years.
I’m not sure if I want to still live in Michigan or not It would depend on my job because if I’m a movie critic I will probably stay in Michigan but if I’m in the air force I would not know where i would live because they would station me in the country where I'm needed. To make more money I would try to invest in stocks because my parents are doing it right now and its working out for them and there trying to show me how but I really don’t understand that well. So I should have a pretty good ten years.


  1. i like how you want a girl friend and be serious relationship

  2. a movie critic, wow jordan, i'm sorry but thats not reallistic at all

  3. a movie critic sounds like it would be a cool job
